Reiner Knizia Events

Events We bring enjoyment to your event!

If you are an event organiser looking for an event highlight, please contact us via the link below.


Reiner Knizia is frequently invited to speak at various events worldwide, ranging from game conventions to universities, from high-level keynote speeches to customised workshops. Reiner speaks enthusiastically about all aspects of the game design process, its challenges, success factors and pitfalls. He covers current and future trends in gaming, from a player’s as well as a business point of view.

Reflecting Reiner’s wide experience, he discusses traditional games as well as electronic games, and also covers hybrid games, which combine the best of both worlds.

Global Game Jam

Utrecht School of the Arts
DIGRA Conference
Maximum Impact Game Design

New York University
PRACTICE Conference


Even without our involvement, you can enhance your event by staging a Kniziathon.

This is an open gaming event for any number of players to play many different Knizia games in one place at one time.

For more information, use the link below.


© Dr. Reiner Knizia 2015-2025